Selling on eBay may be a good fit for you if you are the right type of seller. If you have the time and patience, can deal with potential losses, and are somewhat computer literate, perhaps you could give eBay a try. It would also help if the items you want to sell don’t have to produce a specific profit. If these qualities don’t describe you, however, perhaps you shouldn’t sell on eBay.
Selling on eBay can be a dicey business. You have to deal with people you don’t know and will never meet, and you have to live with eBay’s strict rules for selling, which almost always favor the buyer. Your home address is on record with ebay and the person you sell to will have access to it. Your bank info and transaction history will also be in a database somewhere. People will ask many pointless and redundant questions that you must answer respectfully or risk getting negative feedback. eBay also has a seller tier system that gives preferential exposure to older, more established sellers, so it takes time to develop a reputation with the buying public before you start getting really good bids on items. Buyers can scam you in many ways, and you have little recourse but to take the loss. eBay and PayPal take a fairly large percentage of the final selling price, and the buyer’s sales tax may prevent him or her from bidding.
In many instances, you will save yourself significant time and effort by just selling your coins or collectables to us. But every now and then, we tell people that eBay might be best for them.